Sage Canyon Science Olympiad

If you have any questions, please email us:

"Science Olympiad is an American team competition in which students will study and prepare to compete in 'events' pertaining to various scientific disciplines, including earth science, biology, chemistry, physics, and engineering." Some events entail taking a test, while others involve doing hands-on labs, or even building and bringing a device to the tournament.

The competitions are held at a regional, state, and national level.

Sage Canyon 5th and 6th grade students have an exciting opportunity to  participate and compete in Division B (up to Grade 8) competitions. This year, Sage Canyon would like to send two to three teams (each team consists of up to 15 students) to the San Diego Regional Competition.

At Sage Canyon, we strive to make it a fun experience for participants as they transition to enjoy the world of sciences. Our goal is to educate and excite students about STEM fields.

Science Olympiad Competition is a TEAM Program

Applicants are asked to consider participation in 3 of the 23 offered events, with an absolute minimum of 2 events for students. Regional Competition is designed for team players who can train/prepare to compete in multiple events.