Student Registration

Student Registration is Closed for the 2024-25 Season

Students will register online via Science Olympiad Team Management (SOTM) portal. Please follow the guide here: Sage Canyon Science Olympiad Online Registration. When students are requested to select their maximum event count, we encourage them to select three, but it has to be at least two. This is essential to form teams based on Science Olympiad competition rules and guidelines. Students will also need to enter "Schedule preferences" and "Event priorities" on the online portal as outlined in the student registration guide linked above.  

Note: For event priorities- there are some events with names starting with zTBD - please mark these last as they are just open slots with no events

As part of the Registration via SOTM, you will be emailed a five-page document package that needs to be printed and completed. This document package can also be downloaded here Sage Canyon SciOly 2023-24 Student Registration.pdf.

Science Olympiad is a self-funded program. We suggest a donation of $75 per student with your registration. Please make the check payable to “Sage Canyon PTA” with a memo reference line to “SciOly 2023-24 *student’s full name*”. Lack of a student’s donation will not affect their participation in the Sage Canyon Science Olympiad program.

Please submit completed documentation along with a donation check attached to Sage Canyon front office.

If you have any questions or you encounter any issues while registering feel free to contact us below.